Abstraction & CAD¶
- key words: shape deformation, abstraction, clip art, reconstruction, representation, interlocking, design, assisted design
- labs link
Design Metric¶
- Golden Ratio Arc
- Black & White Abstraction (flat design: less is more)
- skeuomorphic (拟物化)
- 字体设计
Image Abstraction¶
Img2Logo: Generating Golden Ratio Logos from Images[SIG11]
Abstraction of 2D Shapes in Terms of Parts- abstract: 对平面 2D 形状做抽象,减小形状的复杂程度
- paper: http://graphics.stanford.edu/~niloy/research/abstraction/paper_docs/abstraction_siga_09.pdf
User-Guided Line Abstraction Using Coherence and Structure Analysis[SIG18]
Scale-aware Black-and-White Abstraction of 3D Shapes- abstract: Given a 3D shape, generate 2D B&W images
- project page: https://cgv.cs.nthu.edu.tw/projects/Shape_Analysis/BW_Abstraction
- code: https://github.com/unlin/libbwabstraction
- related work: Artistic thresholding
Shape Deformation & Abstraction¶
Deform Art¶
Abstraction of Man-Made Shapes[SIG16]
Legible Compact Calligrams- abstract: 对字体做变形,生成文字画
- paper: https://www.cs.sfu.ca/~haoz/pubs/zou_sig16_calli.pdf
Wire Art¶
Multi-view Wire Art[SIGA18]
FlexMaps: Computational Design of Flat Flexible Shells for Shaping 3D Objects- abstract: Given an input quad mesh, the FlexMaps framework first generates a coarse parametrized patch layout (a). Then, an optimization is performed to adjust the mechanical properties of a series of embedded spiral microstructures
- page: https://vcg.isti.cnr.it/Publications/2018/MPIPMCB18/
Fabricable Eulerian Wires for 3D Shape Abstraction- abstract: compute a small number of machine fabricable wires
- page: http://gruvi.cs.sfu.ca/project/eulerianwires/
WrapIt: Computer-Assisted Crafting of Wire Wrapped Jewelry- abstract: Present a computational design tool that addresses the two main challenges of creating 2D wirewrapped jewelry: decomposing an input drawing into a set of wires, and bending the wires to give them shape
- page: http://www-sop.inria.fr/reves/Basilic/2015/ILB15/
CAD Art & Computational Assemblies¶
Computational Design of High-level Interlocking Puzzles (SIGGRAPH Technical Papers Award Honorable Mention)- abstract: a computational approach to design high-level interlocking puzzles
- page: https://sutd-cgl.github.io/supp/Publication/projects/2022-SIGGRAPH-High-LevelPuzzle/index.html
- code: https://github.com/Linsanity81/High-LevelPuzzle
Design and Structural Optimization of Topological Interlocking Assemblies[SIGA18]
DESIA: A General Framework for Designing Interlocking Assemblies[SIGA12]
Recursive Interlocking Puzzles- abstract: implement using Lego
- page: http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~cwfu/papers/recurpuzzle/index.htm
Dissection Puzzles¶
Computational Design of Steady 3D Dissection Puzzles- abstract: Aim at computationally designing steady 3D dissection puzzles
- paper: https://sutd-cgl.github.io/supp/Publication/papers/2019-EG-3DDissection.pdf
- video: https://youtu.be/8UhUZh9fEMg
LEGO Design¶
Computational LEGO Technic Design- abstract: automatically compute LEGO Technic models from user input sketches
- paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.02245
Legolization: Optimizing LEGO Designs- abstract: a layout refinement algorithm, iteratively improve the weak portion of structure, generate LEGO structure from 3D model
- paper: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~yonghao/siga15/luo-Legolization.pdf
Computational Assemblies¶
State of the Art on Computational Design of Assemblies with Rigid Parts- abstract: SOTA report about assembly(装配体部件)
- paper: https://sutd-cgl.github.io/supp/Publication/papers/2021-EG-AssemblySurvey.pdf
- video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fOT2NiKI-8
Exact 3D Path Generation via 3D Cam-Linkage Mechanisms[SIG21]
MOCCA: Modeling and Optimizing Cone-joints for Complex Assemblies- abstract: using cone joints to model and optimize complex assemblies
- page: https://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/288057
Maybe Related¶
As-Locally-Uniform-As-Possible Reshaping of Vector Clip-Art- abstract: clip art reshape
- page: https://www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/imager/tr/2022/ALUP/
Sketch-Based Implicit Blending- abstract: deform of shape
- paper: https://taiya.github.io/pubs/angles2017sketch.pdf
- video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lah1kdp-P8
Full 3D Reconstruction of Transparent Objects[SIGA18]
Construction and Fabrication of Reversible Shape Transforms[SIGA19]
Design and Structural Optimization of Topological Interlocking Assemblies[SIGA15]
Generalized Cylinder Decomposition- 复杂形状分解为几何简单的基元 (广义圆柱体)
- page: https://vcc.tech/research/2015/GCD
Style and Abstraction in Portrait Sketching[SIG17]
Computational Design of Wind-up Toys[SIGA15]
Interactive surface design with interlocking elements[SIG14]
Designing Inflatable Structures- abstract: 输入 3D 模型,制造可充气物体
- paper: https://studios.disneyresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Designing-Inflatable-Structures.pdf
Plushie: An Interactive Design System for Plush Toys- abstract: 3D 模型制造毛绒玩具
- paper: https://www.is.ocha.ac.jp/~yuki/papers/plushie_siggraph07.pdf
- EG Tutorial: Computational Assemblies: Analysis, Design, and Fabrication
Last update:
August 29, 2023
Created: July 27, 2023
Created: July 27, 2023